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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blue Velvet

Like most of David Lynch's work, as the credits start to roll, you turn to whomever you're watching the film with, and collectively, you say "Huh...."

There's a reason that Lynch's films usually don't hit the suburban film scene: most people don't enjoy his work. Well... I'm not sure that I can say that for sure; but one thing I can say for sure, is that this film is strange beyond belief, and if you plan to check it out, know going into it that you're entering the directorial mind of David Lynch.

That being said, I personally love David Lynch. I think his dream-like atmosphere can be both haunting and enchanting. But I must say, despite my admiration of said director, this film somewhat let me down. Though it had all the elements of a crazy-ass world, it seemed to be missing something.

Per many directors, it seems that Lynch was trying to make a statement about 1950s America. The film opens with a series of stereotypical images of Americans watering the lawn, listening to the radio, baking, and whatnot. But shortly after, we are dragged, willingly or not, into the world of sexual pleasure, and murder.

The plot surrounds a woman; played by Isabella Rossellini, whose husband and son have been kidnapped by a sexual fetish freak, played by the one, the only Dennis Hopper. A young man returning from home, visiting his sick father, leads this film in uncovering the truth behind this woman, and what's happening to her. This man is played by Kyle MacLachlan: you might remember him riding a huge-ass worm thing, in the film DUNE, also directed by David Lynch.

And what makes this film so messed up: Well, Hopper seems to enjoy beating women, and forcing them to do things while he stuffs pieces of cloth down his mouth. And before sexual activity, or physical harm, he breathes in some sort of gas, getting him high before he does 'the act.'

What bothered me throughout the film was its campy sound mixing, and seemingly bad 50s-ish style. I have to believe that this was intentional, but the dialogue seems forced, and dreamlike: awkward. The music is borderline porn beats, and the plot twists and turns (which I'm ok with.)

It's a dark film, with dark intentions. The story is about murder, and sexual abuse. Keep that in mind if you decide to go into this film. Overall, I'm not sure I'd suggest this film unless you're comfortable with Lynch and his style. 6.5 0f 10


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