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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dreams / Yume

Rarely do I post a film that I think almost no one will ever see, but seeing as though this is the internet world, I might as well throw one in there. Today, I shall write to you about a film filled with color and culture. 8 shorts created by the man who dreamed them up. And aptly named, this film is called "Dreams."

The 1990 film Dreams, or "Yume" in its native language of Japanese, is a creation by the director of his own dreams. This film follows the story of 8 people, in dreamlike worlds. Let me explain:

In one short, a young child is told not to venture into the woods. It was raining, but the sun was out. That, as his mother told him, meant that the foxes were having their marriage procession, and that if they saw any human watching, they would be very angry. Of course, the child ventures into the woods, and watches the procession. They spot him, and he runs home. His mother is waiting for him there, with a knife. She tells him that the foxes are very angry, and that they left the knife for suicide. She doesn’t allow him home, and tells him that he must go to the foxes and beg forgiveness. He is directed to follow the rainbows, as that is where foxes end their marriage.

So yeah, that's a dream he has.

Others include:

An old soldier traveling home, who encounters his dead troop he sent to their deaths. He must tell them they are dead

A 3 man team climbing through an ice storm that must survive the ice goddess.

A man who meets up with a crying demon, who learns that radioactivity has killed the humans living in Japan

A man, woman, child and business man's reaction to Mr. Fugi's explosion.

A young child learning about the spirits of the peach trees.

A man enters a Vincent Van Gogh painting and follows him around, learning about the meaning of art (played by Martin Scorsese)

And a man entering a small village that celebrates death, rather than mourns it.

Perhaps what makes this film so interesting is that it is filled with culture, and color, as I mentioned above. It demonstrates the creative spirit that we have within, and the stories that we can create while asleep. If you've not seen it, and have access to it, I'd say rent it. There are a few slow parts, and it is very realistic.

Give it a chance if you have the ability! 7 of 10


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