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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Happy Accidents

So, I had my girlfriend over this weekend, and being the awesome boyfriend that I am, I went ahead and submitted to suggesting that we watch a romantic comedy. Little did she know, however, that I had already picked the film, and that I did so specifically because it is much better than what most men see as a romantic comedy? Let me explain:

Writer/Director Brad Anderson creates a story that'll carry you through. This film is about two people, played by Marisa Tomei and Vincent D'Onofrio and how they meet. For the girls, it's a love story that crosses time and space, as Sam Deed (D'Onofrio) goes back in time from the year 2471 to save the life of Ruby Weaver (Tomei.) The romance of the film is what draws the female crowd, and the comedy relief, and witty dialogue is what keeps the men interested.

I guess that one of the things that really brought me to this film is that it was produced by IFC Films, and they've never let me down. Outside of the standard filmic crap that's put out these days, this film actually gets into the characters, and their desires rather than relying on a big star's name to carry the film. It's not another one of those new age slapstick films with sexual jokes non-stop. And hey, it's got the guy from Pi in it as well!

Needless to say, this film is what I would consider the true definition of a quirky romantic flick. It's not a chick flick, but it keeps the romance. More importantly though, it keeps the audience guessing as to the real background of Sam Deed, and how he's going to save Ruby's life come Friday!

Got some free time on a Friday night, and want to impress the lady? Rent this film, and get some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Trust me, after the film, and when she's done crying, you'll be one lucky man!

Speaking from experience.

7.0 of 10.


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