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Sunday, September 17, 2006

An Inconveinient Truth

Despite my apprehensions to seeing this film, I went ahead, and caught the second to last show. I hope that I can review this film as much as I can without spilling into the political nature. And for the posts after this, please comment on the film, rather than politics; we have a thread for that.

AIT is a film created by former Vice President Al Gore, focusing on his multi-decade long topic of global warming. The film revolves around his specific slide show that he presents to audiences around the world. And to reach more audiences, he created this video version, interlaced with spots on his life, and his struggles.

I was impressed by the cinematography, I must say. It seemed to be edited very well, and that it was quite professionally presented. Much like his slide show, it is meant to educate, rather than entertain. And I think that this comes off very well.

However, it's important to know that there are sections about his life, his run for presidency, and his life back at home when he was a child. When this started, it made me begin to see that this was boarder-line a film about himself. The subject of the film begins to get clouded. It is interlaced with images of Gore looking over a computer, working on slides and whatnot. It seems to me that, in terms of the definition of a documentary, it strays from the subject (which, in all documentaries, it a shame.)

After thinking long and hard about the theme of the film, I have come up with an appropriate topic: Conserve.

Most people will come into this film, and see the politics behind it. Some people will come in and blindly believe what he says. Others will blindly decide not to go. So be it, it's your choice. The point is: the theme of this film is Conservation, interlaced with the life story of Al Gore.

I'm not going to say that you should rush out to see this, nor am I going to say that you should avoid this. That’s your decision. In terms of film, though, I will say that it was a well presented FILM, and not a DOCUMENTARY. It was interesting to see someone’s point of view. The direction was good, and the cinematography was pretty solid. Sound was good, and placement of images, and graphic animations were interesting and done professionally. 5.75 of 10.


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