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Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Matador

So this weekend, we decided to rent a film on the suggestion of a good friend of mine. I remember when it came out, I wanted to see it, but was forced to have to pass it up. But now, here I am, reporting to you about the interesting and quite funny The Matador.

This film, written and directed by Richard Shepard is a story about a hit man who has lost his touch. After years of killing for hire, his deeply seeded psychological issues rise to the surface, and cause him to shake and tremble at the moment of the kill. This character is brilliantly played by Pierce Brosnan, who skillfully acts the part, and makes the character come to life. His vulgar obsession with sex, and one-liners kept me laughing throughout the entire film.

It is through his attachment to a complete stranger, Greg Kinnear's character, Danny Wright, that he is able to understand friendship, and family. The two strangers develop a friendship over the span of several months, and become partners, so to speak. They begin to rely on each other, and thus find what they've been looking for.

This film is tight, and well made. The actors pulled off very good performances, and made me actually care what was going on in the film. I was pleased with the camera work, and the direction. It's a solid little flick that'll make you laugh. Keep in mind that some of Brosnan's one liners are certainly not for younger audiences, but I can't help but laugh at comments such as:

"I look great!? No! I look like a Bangkok prostitute on a Sunday morning after the Navy's left town."

Ha! Great. It's clever, it's witty, it's well made, and it's not too long. If you're looking for a good film to check out for a few laughs, and for good storytelling, I'd suggest this film. Maybe not for all audiences, but it really illustrates that Brosnan has something else to offer besides a well dressed 007 image.

7 of 10.


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