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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Nothing beats being able to sit down and watch a movie you know is good. When my girlfriend came into town this weekend, she asked me to get a movie I knew would be good, so we could cuddle up, drink some soda, and watch a good movie. So, when I looked at my collection, there was only one choice: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

One of the strongest aspects of this film is its director: Mr. Badass Clint Eastwood. Though he is not the writer, and this is one of his earlier directorial debuts, it was certainly solid. And what’s better, he stayed out of it! Unlike Million Dollar Baby, he didn’t see the need to add himself as a character, which I greatly admire.

And what a lineup cast: John Cusack, Kevin Spacey, Jack Thompson, Jude Law, Lady Chablis and Alison Eastwood.

This film follows Cusack, and his travels to Savanna, George, to write a 500 word essay on a Christmas Party. Of course, despite sounding simple, it's far from it. As we find out, Spacey's life is far from normal. He leads a somewhat hidden life, involved with a gay Jude Law. His public life comes into spotlight when a mishap leads to the death of Jude Law. Investigators rush in to prosecute. The remainder of the film is left up to Cusack, and Eastwood to solve what really happened the night of the party.

One of the things that I thought was quite amazing about this film was the diversity of the characters. At no point are any of the characters the same as others. Each has a very defined, specific way about him, or her. And I really appreciate that. The Lady Chablis adds yet another level to the depth of characters. This is certainly no mix of random people. It's almost like the Southern Rich meet "The Birdcage."

Visually, this film is solid enough to say that it isn't overly creative, but holds the attention of viewers. The writing creates interest in the lives of the characters, and what will become of them. And the mystery of the south's most mysterious religion, Voodoo, comes into play.

I may be bias, but I've always loved this film, and perhaps it's because I have respect for those that made it. I think the reason I rate it highly is that it seems like such a tight film. There are no major problems, the dialogue seems real, the situation seems real, and the acting makes you "root for the good guy, whoever that might be!"

Got a free night, go rent it! 7.25 of 10!


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