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Monday, September 18, 2006

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Going back to old favorites is always a pastime of mine. This weekend we chose what I believe to be one of the best Tim Burton films of all time, The Nightmare Before Chirstmas.

In quick review of the plot, this film is about a skeleton man, Jack, who is searching for something new in his life. He stumbles upon a gateway into different worlds themed on holidays. He is sucked into the Christmas door, and experiences the magic of snow, and warm feelings. He takes these strange new ideas back to his Halloween world, and tries to integrate them into his own. Kidnapping Santa, he spreads his version of holiday joy to the Christmas world. But per the leading female character's vision (Sally) it becomes a disaster. Jack and Sally must unite as one to save Santa from the Boogie Man, and return him to his own world.

Though Tim Burton did not direct this film (he was working on Batman at the time) his influence is visually evident. His writing and producing weighed heavily on the gothic shapes, and somewhat twisted characters. One thing I like about all his characters is that they all have something unique. Not only do they look unique to the rest of the cast, but he integrated their visual differences into their characters’ actions. It worked to provide me with a full cast of very diverse characters.

This is a musical, and thus, has wonderful must to accompany. The score was written by long-time Tim Burton friend Danny Elfman. The two have worked together on many of Burton’s projects, including Batman, and Big Fish. The two worked in concert to provide a solid set of voice talent, and musical tunes to carry us through this tale.

The story focuses on Jack and his push for something new. I like this: something simple. Though originally focused towards the younger audience, I believe this film has something for all audiences. We all know what it feels like to need to find something new in a world that seems to redundant. The message was well received.

And as I said, visually, this film was solid and beyond. The stop animation, a Tim Burton perfected technique, brought a depth to the characters that hand animation sometimes leave to the wayside.

This is a feel good movie, and fun to listen to. It's one of those films that can be turned on, and just sung along with. It's one of those films you can pop in and always smile as the closing scene brings a end to the film. If you've not seen it, I'd suggest it! 7 of 10.


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