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Sunday, September 17, 2006


Just like everyone else in this state, I got sick this weekend. So instead of going to the theater like I wanted to, I ended up just watching a few things at home. My girlfriend was in the mood for a heavier film, so I selected Quills.

Quills, directed by Philip Kaufman, is a film about love and desire or the darkest kind. The story surrounds a real-life French poet and writer, the Marquis de Sade (Markey deh Sad, played by Geoffrey Rush) and his unyielding efforts to produce sexual laden material for the French public. He is placed in a mental institution, and told to focus on purging himself of such 'evil' things by writing them on paper, and never distributing them. Of course, one of the chamber maids, played by Kate Winslet, helps the Marquis sneak his prose out of the hospital and to a press. In short, the Emperor sends his top scientific man (Dr. Collard, played by Michael Cane) in to investigate the true effort of the Abbe (played by Joaquin Phoenix.)

I'll leave plot aside for now; you'll just have to watch it. This tale is not for the extreme light hearted, as it does explore the psycho-sexual mind of the Marquis. Though it's not visually exciting all the time, I can say without a doubt that this is one of the best performances by Geoffrey Rush. In fact, the entire cast, Rush, Winslet, Phoenix, and Cane project such a strong and defined set of characters, that the film is practically carried on it's own by these 4 actors. The writing is extremely tight, with not awkward moments except for those intended by the director and writer.

Quills is one of those films that takes you through its tale, making you expect a somewhat darker ending, and throws a curve that takes you off your seat. Each actor presents their case throughout the film with such skill that not once did I call into question their characters of their motives. It seemed to me that such a strong cast coupled with good direction, and wonderful writing was, and still is a recipe for one of the better films I've seen.

I try not to hype up everything that I think is really great. But I do mean it when I say that this film has all the elements wonderfully executed to provide for one of the better experiences I've had watching a story unfold on screen. Geoffrey Rush thrusts us into a dark world within the mental hospital that he must endure while purging his mind of such seductive and pornographic thoughts. Even I could stand to watch Kate Winslet run around in this film, and even Joaquin Phoenix never falters. I think it goes without saying that Michael Cane is a badass, and thus accordingly, never gives a poor performance.

Check this DVD out if you get a chance. It's really quite amazing, and is a very solid, well produced, well directed, and brilliantly acted film. Though its themes may be a bit on the darker side, it's still one of those films you just have to see. Quills is worth whatever they want to charge you for the rental, and eventually worth whatever it costs to purchase it.

8 of 10


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