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Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Incredibles

It's true; I've been busy, and thus haven't had the time to catch any movies as of late. I've been working on my film webpage when I get home from work, so I don't have much time to sit and watch anything. But the other day, while eating my "Chicken Cream Casserole" I turned on the tube and bam: one of my favorite animated flicks of all time!

I've been a Pixar fan since the beginning. I remember being in the theater for Toy Story, and loving each second of their adventure. As time went on, I found that some of Pixar's ideas were ok, and some of them were not as great. I was beginning to think that they just didn't have what they started off with. But then The Incredibles comes out. I remember being in the theater, just as it came to an end, with a huge smile on my face. I thought to myself: was that not one of the best animated films of all time? The answer is yes!

And here's why: very rarely do we see kids films these day that are geared towards all audiences. It's hard to market these films to the 'big three:' kids, 20~40s and over 50s. If you can capture all three markets, you've got something that will ultimately be entirely successful. And that is just what Pixar created. It's a simple film about a family with super powers trying to exist in a society that no longer accepts them. First off, we start with a storyline that teaches kids that it's ok to be different. Second, we have a struggling family, something everyone can relate to. Already we've hit on most of the audiences we're trying to reach.

Along with its solid (positive) messages about being who we are, and not hiding away, we're entertained by skilled voice talents of Craig T Nelson, Holly Hunter, Jason Lee, and Samuel L. Jackson. Together, these characters bring to life a world we can all relate to. It's something we've all dreamed of as a child: what would it be like to be a superhero. And it's not just an adult thing as well. The children have powers too, and thus, the entire family can find something to relate to.

And within its themes are actions and emotions that all levels of age can enjoy. We all know what it’s like to be jealous of a husband who suddenly changes himself and spends more time at work, possibly with a woman. We all know what suspicion is like, and the dangers involved. Relationships go through ups and downs, and people have divorce scares. We all have felt excluded at one point and we all know what it feels like to try as hard as we can to impress those that matter most to us. These are all themes that are illustrated in this KIDS MOVIE.

And the humor isn't just little kid stuff. Listen closely during the Monster attack. When the henchmen are out in the RV, you can hear a guy yell "Each time someone screams, you do a shot!" What's this, an alcohol joke? Again, appeasing every crowd at every moment.

Even the cinematography is interesting and new as we fly through this world of action and emotion. The directors illustrated a strong command over their characters and their talents as film makers. All this from a digital film about super heroes just trying to live a normal life.

Pick this film up if you haven't seen it. I'd even bet that buying the DVD before even seeing it would be a good buy. It'd save you a trip back to the store. Flawless and entertaining. It's a great film all around. 8.5


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