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Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter returns for his fifth year at Hogwarts. The ministry of magic has sent in Dolores Umbridge to reform the school to the standards set by higher authority. This proves very detrimental to the children’s education in their defense against the dark arts. Harry Potter, encouraged by his friends, leads a small group of student to a secret room to teach them the powers of defense. But Lord Voldemort’s grip on Harry’s mind becomes more and more powerful, causing a stir in the secret Order of the Phoenix.

If you’ve not read the books, it’s a lot to take in. If you’ve only seen the movies, it’s still a hell of a lot to take in. But overall, I can say that I was very pleased with this film, and how the story unfolded. I’ve been told that, during this book, a major focus is placed on Harry’s feelings on being an outsider. This is evident in the film, as the script emphasizes the theme of being an outsider. Of course, one problem is that it tip-toes on the border of teen-angst, which I wasn’t looking forward to.

Though Hogwarts and the classes that happen this year does play a role in the film, it seems to me that the focus was much greater this time around. Unlike its predecessors, this film contains a lot more conflict between the powers that be. Dumbeldore, and even Snape get considerably more screen time than films previous. As a long standing series, I think this helps to make the film more effective. As we follow these characters throughout their 7 year quest, we want to see more: more feelings, more reasons, more reactions. In this film (as I am told, a bigger portion of the book) Snape teaches Harry Potter the power to block mind control. In a retort, we learn more about a somewhat mysterious character, Snape, and his past. I think elements like this really help to bring this story to those that have not read the books. And I think that’s extremely important for the continued success of these films.

The direction wasn’t as powerful as my personal favorite (in terms of direction), the third Prisoner of Azkaban. But I did enjoy the fact that the battle scenes that were created, were done very well, very powerful, and most importantly, very tense. Again, for those that have not read the books, conflict has run somewhat dry over the course of the 4 previous films. It was good to finally see some wizard on wizard action ;).gif

It’s a good film to watch, especially if you’re into the story. If you’ve not read the books, like me, but have seen the other films (not necessarily in gauntlet, extra large pizza and two 2 liters of Coke style), I think you’ll enjoy this film. It has tied for best in the series so far (Prisoner of Azkaban). I remember seeing kids around the age of 4 in the theatre; not quite sure it’s a film for those audiences. The film does cater to a wide range of age, though, spotlighting themes of teenage emotion explosion, and true danger and heroism for others. Check it out if you can find a seat. A-

(Please, someone, let me know if I need to read these books. I have the horrible habit of having to read though an entire series, and I just don’t want to dive in without at least hearing from a few that have read them.)


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