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Monday, July 16, 2007

Irréversible Vs Memento

It should be said that I really enjoyed Memento. It is true that Guy Pierce is a developing actor, but I do believe that he was strong in this role. Both films have attributes that make them unique, and enjoyable. I think, though, that in terms of effective story telling to blatantly make a point, Irréversible wins.

1) The First 10 minutes:
Both films have a powerful first ten minutes. Both require the audience to figure out how the narrative will develop. Memento flows from both ends (beginning and end) and works its way to the middle. Similarly, Irréversible works its way from the end to the beginning in 5 to 10 minute increments. In my interpretation of Irréversible, the film is about the audacity of hope, the power of fate, and the disparity of the human spirit after everything has been taken away. Within the first 10 minutes of Irréversible, we are exposed to some of the most disorienting film making of all time. The camera flies through a gay S&M bar while music blares, and disorienting angles screw with the viewer. I believe this is more effective in terms of the overall purpose of the film, as compared to Memento, and its opening 10 minutes (though it is a very strong segment as well).

2) Monica Bellucci Vs Carrie-Anne Moss: This is a tough call, as I don’t really care for either actress. So, as any proper critic must do, after removing acting talent, one must look directly at looks. In this category, I am going to have to select Bellucci over Moss. Something about that accent…

3) Flat out brutal violence: This turns most people off. It made the two girls that were with me when viewing Irréversible absolutely sick. One thing I will always give Europe over America is that they are not afraid to do whatever they want in terms of film. The FCC and MPAA (groups I’m sure everyone here would defend to the death, HAHA!) limit the creativity and graphic nature of films made in the US. Memento had its edge, but was rather tame when it came to language and violence. Without going into it much, Irréversible featured deaths involving fire extinguishers and an absolutely grotesque 11 minute uncut rape scene. No holds bar, this is one of the most realistic depictions of the violent act of rape, and I must say that the courage it took to do this, to show the world this in such a visual way, I must respect.

4) Acting: I’m just going to comment that I cannot speak towards acting. I thought the acting in Memento was very solid. The lines were executed with skill and precision, and outside of a little overacting on Moss’ part, it was very pleasing. Per Irréversible: I don’t know French fluently. I’ve had 6 years of French, but still can’t speak it fluently enough to comment on the acting. For me, this category is void.

5) Overall purpose of story: This is my opinion, and my opinion only: Memento is a film about the audacity of reality, and how we must hold on to one thing in our lives to continue each day. In this case, Lenny (Guy Pierce) needs the thought of his dead wife to give his life purpose. It’s a greater metaphor for humans as a whole, and how we need something to perpetuate us through each day. Irréversible is about the same attachment we have to those in our lives, and how we deal with loss. I personally believe, both in terms of visuals, story, and creativity, Irréversible is more disorienting than Memento, and thus has an overall greater affect in expressing a similar concept.

6) The Bad-Ass Pulse Gun: Though most don’t know about this, the filmmakers of Irréversible added a low level sonic pulse during the rape scene. This pulse is similar in frequency to a riot control device used by law enforcement officers. This pulse sound disorients human senses, subjecting the audience to an almost uncontrollable feeling of nausea and confusion.

I don’t think I can really do more here. I think you get the point. I’m interested in what people think about this, as I haven’t really found that many people that have seen Irréversible. Whether you liked Memento or Irréversible more is fine by me; I just like to hear what people think.

I need a shower… Ugh! This film makes me feel so dirty!


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